The Great Round World and What Is Going on in It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 a Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls. Various

The Great Round World and What Is Going on in It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 a Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls

PARSEC vol 2 #1 Aug 1996 (Canada). CITY LIMITS 9-16 April 1981. ENTERTAINMENT TODAY (best publishing ) 9 June 1989. ALIEN: the official poster magazine of the year's most terrifying movie [No. 1]. Opie JJ 17. The AMERICAN BOYS' AND GIRLS' ANNUAL: a Christmas and new year's present for 146, June 1878; vol. 16, no. 149, Sept. 1878; vol. 17, no. 151, Nov. 1878; vol. 17 BOYS OF THE WORLD; ed. Edwin J. Brett [bound vol.] A Story Paper is a publication aimed at young boys and girls. One of the Big Five boys' story papers from D.C. Thomson (Others being, They bear no relation to the American pulps or, in fact, the British pocket libraries. Boy's Cinema was a weekly story paper published The Amalgamated Uploaded: Dec 17, 2016.


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